Thursday, December 6, 2007

Nothing Lasts Forever ...

I am not writing this post based on the Sidney Sheldon novel that s one of my favs - Nothing Lasts Forever ... But something that happened recently made me think about this title and the deep meaning it had.

I was at Walden - the book store , waiting for my brother to come from his office and pick me when I saw this book on the shelf. This was in fact the first Sidney Sheldon book I ever read and loved , but this time it was something else that drew me towards it.The title.

" Nothing Lasts Forever "

A few thing have happened over the last few days , about which I cannot mention here and every time I tried to avoid thinking about it ,it kept coming rite back to me - Nothing Lasts forever...

The nature of things is that if they don't get lost, they get stolen, and if they don't get stolen, they get broken, and if they don't get broken, they fade or fall apart. This includes teacups, cars, sweaters, computers, earrings, and just about everything you can touch or experience or have--even relationships. Believe it or not, it helps to know that although "it" is in one piece now, its eventual, inevitable state is broken.
And oh, I almost forgot: As hard as it is to realize that your favorite earring/car won't last forever, it's even harder to realize that the people you love won't last forever--and neither will you.

Things most cherished and nurtured, eventually and inevitably become nothing... Relationship don't always start as we might expect, nor end as we might wish ..

A true life incident just brought back this harsh reality in front of me. As an ode to the relationship - the love that was there , I write the following lines for both of them . I am really sorry , but I wish I could do something about it.

Nothing Lasts Forever ...

I’ve thought it over and I know what I want,
No matter what others say, or how much ever they taunt.
Lately, few things have been in my mind
No others means to express I find.

I never really knew you
you were just another friend
But when I got to know you,
I let my heart unbend.

There was this time I thought that you were just for me,
I saw no flaw in my choice, but I guess I clearly dint see.
I never knew this relationship would come to such an end,
And eventually I’d get back to calling you as a friend.

Not holding you in my arms is tearing me apart,
Being away is something I never imagined from the start.
I never thought we'd fall in love, so mad
I never realized life without you would be so bad.

This can't be over; we're still not through,
There's so much we haven't shared - so much we promised to do.
I still can’t stop myself from thinking that I’ll never be able to see you again,
But again, this is my choice and I am not going to complain.

They don't know what we are going through,
How much you love me and I love you.
If they only knew how you made me feel,
with all the problems you helped me deal.
How you taught me I was much more than I had ever thought -
All of the Joy, Happiness, and Love to me you brought.

Thoughts we shared, a life we lived, and a love we had together
and then it strikes back big time that Nothing Lasts Forever.

It's killing me that now that day has come,
If it's for the best then where is this pain from?
I know deep inside that this is what I had to do
but it's breaking my heart to walk away from you

I'm trying my best to appear strong,
but it's hard when part of me says that in your arms is where I belong.
I still love you with all my heart,
and that's not going to change even though we're apart

All the words I ever said or wrote still hold true
But for now from a distance is where I'll be loving you.
I think you need me as a friend to help you through,
because there are things I can't control that are hurting you

Maybe we will be together again if it was meant to be,
but for now please don't stop loving me
Even though I'm not your girlfriend I'll still be here,
With a shoulder to cry on or a sympathetic ear.

One day I will return to you all you have given me,
In some shape or form; soon you'll see.
One day we will be able to be together every day,
And we won't have to worry what they say.

So when the time comes, promise me you'll take my hand and be with me forever,
But again, I am sorry for now.. I have to say that Nothing Lasts Forever


X cuse Me !!!! said...

nice ... do keep on posting..

Unknown said...

I dont know what to say
I was in two minds while reading this
I agree relationships go hand in hand with that person whom you are related if one of them doesnt last so does the other...

but, do those feelings that we had for them last or do they fade off?

if they last, then are we doing justice to ourselves by loving someone new and if they just fade off then are we in a position to say that the feelings that we had for that person werent strong enough to sustain the situations we faced?

Sri Harsha said...

Girl! Nothing losts forever for there are things far more beautiful unseen and it would only be sane to hope that things snap up only to lead to better others.

Srinivas Tennety said...

Absolutely amazing post. Very good work on the whole..I liked this thought of urs,"inevitable state of a relationship is 'broken'".....very true.

I liked the poem as well especially the line "please don't stop loving me Even though I'm not your girlfriend "..

Rohit Bedida said...

That's how the world goes!

Thirumoorthi Chidambaram said...

Hey Meg,
I’ve been in this situation recently and somehow managed myself and came out of it. It was so much pain and humiliation but, we’ve to accept the reality. Isn’t it?
Love - It’ll remain in our heart forever and it’ll never fade off… Accept the reality and be optimistic.

Avinash Sharma said...
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